Thursday, October 8, 2020

 Penny's Lament of 2~29~20

So twinkles the mind

Twinx sideways

Returns to old ways

Under late leap sun

Quietly landing on

Very dry ground

Outlasting the trees

With greenery gone

Now brittle and heavy

X-rayed of snap

Made whole again,

Yellowed from purpled 

Lesions of bruised

Zephaniah iris

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


placated cream
swabbed magenta
against cerulean
as if hue could
come over horror

forgotten dream

washed ready
because fate's magnitude
and froze
never to quell


abated forest
never noticed
sliced pound
and hunching

fit tempest
form torrent
force bleed
flood seed

Sunday, August 7, 2011


salvia dancing pale
wood grey green
as the new
quickly turns old
dickcissel calling the wind
the wind responding with
a rush through
the alfalfa field
soft sway butternut
honeyed light licking
surfaces' curve

evening dew
post-thunderstorm droplets
amass on anthurium's reach
each leaf a sparkling pond
of topaz gems that nourish
the darting cobalt dragonflies

surrounding sound
of crickets' elation
and bullfrogs' wonder
of sun at set

Monday, July 18, 2011


Gold yelled
Slip stream hearkening
Jodhpurs rubbing
Banana gnat searching
Herein cleansing
Eyes of granite sanity
Sheep sheared
Cotton wrung
Muled of

Rip tide
Hog tied
Mayonnaise polonaise
French fried
Steel wired
Pliered American
Eagle ease

Thoughts string

Condensed evaporate plum
Juiced on the bleed of happenstance
Acorns assault
Falling their gravitas submission
Arching need striving
To culminate attended torque
I summon the sun

Thursday, July 7, 2011


tiny crevices shelter breath
as the interior morrel
dark and woodsy
turned Mayan cocoa
made heady from want

tunnels temper flow
aggregate gold proffered
while kneeling down ~
what shines without light?
what can dispel the din?

dim sky scatters
the same splayed light
overplayed in coarse disarray
invariably unsound
altered badly
and chosen for kind necessity
a casualty of
quick wind nothing

Monday, July 4, 2011


viable properties inform
less than quickly monitored
the heightened acknowledgement
precedes the seeker

verses of hunger
wounds of becoming
product of process
rupture of beaker

commemorate in display
the heralded ocean
culminates explosion
of color and sound

scent of ignition
grappling sensation
grouping of semblance
wafting around

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Moon Nuptial

New Moon Nuptial

the woven plunge
of counted breaths
that fill a female heart

counted countenance
over skies
moon bone dry
entered crevice
seeming bleed

forward words
reminds of distant
omens gleaned in
mines now spent

sowing moments
under soils
cultivate memory
heavy sent


naught is able
inside reaching
given hands of ringed
high minds; rendered
streaking stars of
peeking through the
bent confined